About Us


Welcome to Cam Den Pilates website. We are a new Pilates and Fitness Studio in Camden Town.We pride ourselves on the expertise, experience and calibre of our teachers - who combine their skillset with a natural exuberance and enthusiasm - and an appreciation for all levels of ability. Don’t just take our word for it, come see for yourselves.

The Studio is run by Chris and Julie, who have been partners in life for over 30 years. Their professional backgrounds are in photography and teaching and besides family, they have a love of sports, fitness, healthy lifestyles, travelling, good food and pursuit of happiness!

“Too much discourse, stress and noise in our everyday lives. Sometimes we just need to take a pause and allow ourselves a moment…”

C & J x

“Sometimes we just need to take a pause and allow ourselves a moment...”

Register/create account here and book a class 

All Pilates classes in January are £10 £15 and Strength/conditioning classes are £14 £19 .